Showing posts with label HOMER. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOMER. Show all posts

Monday, 27 April 2020

Break detection is deceptive when the noise is larger than the break signal

I am disappointed in science. It is impossible that it took this long for us to discover that break detection has serious problems when the signal to noise ratio is low. However, as far as we can judge this was new science and it certainly was not common knowledge, which it should have been because it has large consequences.

This post describes a paper by Ralf Lindau and me about how break detection depends on the signal to noise ratio (Lindau and Venema, 2018). The signal in this case are the breaks we would like to detect. These breaks could be from a change in instrument or location of the station. We detect breaks by comparing a candidate station to a reference. This reference can be one other neighbouring station or an average of neighbouring stations. The candidate and reference should be sufficiently close so that they have the same regional climate signal, which is then removed by subtracting the reference from the candidate. The difference time series that is left contains breaks and noise because of measurement uncertainties and differences in local weather. The noise thus depends on the quality of the measurements, on the density of the measurement network and on how variable the weather is spatially.

The signal to noise ratio (SNR) is simply defined as the standard deviation of the time series containing only the breaks divided by the standard deviation of time series containing only the noise. For short I will denote these as the break signal and the noise signal, which have a break variance and a noise variance. When generating data to test homogenization algorithms, you know exactly how strong the break signal and the noise signal is. In case of real data, you can estimate it, for example with the methods I described in a previous blog post. In that study, we found a signal to noise ratio for annual temperature averages observed in Germany of 3 to 4 and in America of about 5.

Temperature is studied a lot and much of the work on homogenization takes place in Europe and America. Here this signal to noise ratio is high enough. That may be one reason why climatologists did not find this problem sooner. Many other sciences use similar methods, we are all supported by a considerable statistical literature. I have no idea what their excuses are.

Why a low SNR is a problem

As scientific papers go, the discussion is quite mathematical, but the basic problem is relatively easy to explain in words. In statistical homogenization we do not know in advance where the break or breaks will be. So we basically try many break positions and search for the break positions that result in the largest breaks (or, for the algorithm we studied, that explain the most variance).

If you do this for a time series that contains only noise, this will also produce (small) breaks. For example, in case you are looking for one break, due to pure chance there will be a difference between the averages of the first and the last segment. This difference is larger than it would be for a predetermined break position, as we try all possible break positions and then select the one with the largest difference. To determine whether the breaks we found are real, we require that they are so large that it is unlikely that they are due to chance, while there are actually no breaks in the series. So we study how large breaks are in series that only contains noise to determine how large such random breaks are. Statisticians would talk about the breaks being statistically significant with white noise as the null hypothesis.

When the breaks are really large compared to the noise one can see by eye where the positions of the breaks are and this method is nice to make this computation automatically for many stations. When the breaks are “just” large, it is a great method to objectively determine the number of breaks and the optimal break positions.

The problem comes when the noise is larger than the break signal. Not that it is fundamentally impossible to detect such breaks. If you have a 100-year time series with a break in the middle, you would be averaging over 50 noise values on either side and the difference in their averages would be much smaller than the noise itself. Even if noise and signal are about the same size the noise effect is thus expected to be smaller than the size of such a break. To put it in another way, the noise is not correlated in time, while the break signal is the same for many years; that fundamental difference is what the break detection exploits.

However, to come to the fundamental problem, it becomes hard to determine the positions of the breaks. Imagine the theoretical case where the break positions are fully determined by the noise, not by the breaks. From the perspective of the break signal, these break positions are random. The problem is, also random breaks explain a part of the break signal. So one would have a combination with a maximum contribution of the noise plus a part of the break signal. Because of this additional contribution by the break signal, this combination may have larger breaks than expected in a pure noise signal. In other words, the result can be statistically significant, while we have no idea where the positions of the breaks are.

In a real case the breaks look even more statistically significant because the positions of the breaks are determined by both the noise and the break signal.

That is the fundamental problem, the test for the homogeneity of the series rightly detects that the series contains inhomogeneities, but if the signal to noise ratio is low we should not jump to conclusions and expect that the set of break positions that gives us the largest breaks has much to do with the break positions in the data. Only if the signal to noise ratio is high, this relationship is close enough.

Some numbers

This is a general problem, which I expect all statistical homogenization algorithms to have, but to put some numbers on this, we need to specify an algorithm. We have chosen to study the multiple breakpoint method that is implemented in PRODIGE (Caussinus and Mestre, 2004), HOMER (Mestre et al., 2013) and ACMANT (Domonkos and Coll, 2017), these are among the best, if not the best, methods we currently have. We applied it by comparing pairs of stations, like PRODIGE and HOMER do.

For a certain number of breaks this method effectively computes the combination of breaks that has the highest break variance. If you add more breaks, you will increase the break variance those breaks explain, even if it were purely due to noise, so there is additionally a penalty function that depends on the number of breaks. The algorithm selects that option where the break variance minus such a penalty is highest. A statistician would call this a model selection problem and the job of the penalty is to keep the statistical model (the step function explaining the breaks) reasonably simple.

In the end, if the signal to noise ratio is one half, the breaks that explain the largest breaks are just as “good” at explaining the actual break signal in the data as breaks at random positions.

With this detection model, we derived the plot below, let me talk you through this. On the x-axis is the SNR, on the right the break signal is twice as strong as the noise signal. On the y-axis is how well the step function belonging to the detected breaks fits to the step function of the breaks we actually inserted. The lower curve, with the plus symbols, is the detection algorithm as I described above. You can see that for a high SNR it finds a solution that closely matches what we put in and the difference is almost zero. The upper curve, with the ellipse symbols, is for the solution you find if you put in random breaks. You can see that for a high SNR the random breaks have a difference of 0.5. As the variance of the break signal is one, this means that half the variance of the break signal is explained by random breaks.

Figure 13b from Lindau and Venema (2018).

When the SNR is about 0.5, the random breaks are about as good as the breaks proposed by the algorithm described above.

One may be tempted to think that if the data is too noisy, the detection algorithm should detect less breaks, that is, the penalty function should be bigger. However, the problem is not the detection of whether there are breaks in the data, but where the breaks are. A larger penalty thus does not solve the problem and even makes the results slightly worse. Not in the paper, but later I wondered whether setting more breaks is such a bad thing, so we also tried lowering the threshold, this again made the results worse.

So what?

The next question is naturally: is this bad? One reason to investigate correction methods in more detail, as described in my last blog post, was the hope that maybe accurate break positions are not that important. It could have been that the correction method still produces good results even with random break positions. This is unfortunately not the case, already quite small errors in break positions deteriorate the outcome considerably, this will be the topic of the next post.

Not homogenizing the data is also not a solution. As I described in a previous blog post, the breaks in Germany are small and infrequent, but they still have a considerable influence on the trends of stations. The figure below shows the trend differences between many pairs of nearby stations in Germany. Their differences in trends will be mostly due to inhomogeneities. The standard deviation of 0.628 °C per century for the pairs translated to an average error in the trends of individual stations of 0.4 °C per century.

The trend differences (y-axis) of pairs of stations (x-axis) in the German temperature network. The trends were computed from 316 nearby pairs over 1950 to 2000. Figure 2 from Lindau and Venema (2018).

This finding makes it more important to work on methods to estimate the signal to noise ratio of a dataset before we try to homogenize it. This is easier said than done. The method introduced in Lindau and Venema (2018) gives results for every pair of stations, but needs some human checks to ensure the fits are good. Furthermore, it assumes the break levels behave like noise, while in Venema and Lindau (2019) we found that the break signal in the USA behaves like a random walk. This 2019 method needs a lot of data, even the results for Germany are already quite noisy, if you apply it to data sparse regions you have to select entire continents. Doing so, however, biases the results to those subregions were the there are many stations and would thus give too high SNR estimates. So computing SNR worldwide is not just a blog post, but requires a careful study and likely the development of a new method to estimate the break and noise variance.

Both methods compute the SNR for one difference time series, but in a real case multiple difference time series are used. We will need to study how to do this in an elegant way. How many difference series are used depends on the homogenization method, this would also make the SNR method dependent. I would appreciate to also have an estimation method that is more universal and can be used to compare networks with each other.

This estimation method should then be applied to global datasets and for various periods to study which regions and periods have a problem. Temperature (as well as pressure) are variables that are well correlated from station to station. Much more problematic variables, which should thus be studied as well, are precipitation, wind, humidity. In case of precipitation, there tend to be more stations. This will compensate some, but for the other variables there may even be less stations.

We have some ideas how to overcome this problem, from ways to increase the SNR to completely different ways to estimate the influence of inhomogeneities on the data. But they are too preliminary to already blog about. Do subscribe to the blog with any of the options below the tag cloud near the end of the page. ;-)

When we digitize climate data that is currently only available on paper, we tend to prioritize data from regions and periods where we do not have much information yet. However, if after that digitization the SNR would still be low, it may be more worthwhile to digitize data from regions/periods where we already have more data and get that region/period to a SNR above one.

The next post will be about how this low SNR problem changes our estimates of how much the Earth has been warming. Spoiler: the climate “sceptics” will not like that post.

Other posts in this series

Part 5: Statistical homogenization under-corrects any station network-wide trend biases

Part 4: Break detection is deceptive when the noise is larger than the break signal

Part 3: Correcting inhomogeneities when all breaks are perfectly known

Part 2: Trend errors in raw temperature station data due to inhomogeneities

Part 1: Estimating the statistical properties of inhomogeneities without homogenization


Caussinus, Henri and Olivier Mestre, 2004: Detection and correction of artificial shifts in climate series. The Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series C (Applied Statistics), 53, pp. 405-425.

Domonkos, Peter and John Coll, 2017: Homogenisation of temperature and precipitation time series with ACMANT3: method description and efficiency tests. International Journal of Climatology, 37, pp. 1910-1921.

Lindau, Ralf and Victor Venema, 2018: The joint influence of break and noise variance on the break detection capability in time series homogenization. Advances in Statistical Climatology, Meteorology and Oceanography, 4, p. 1–18.

Lindau, R, Venema, V., 2019: A new method to study inhomogeneities in climate records: Brownian motion or random deviations? International Journal Climatology, 39: p. 4769– 4783. Manuscript: Article:

Mestre, Olivier, Peter Domonkos, Franck Picard, Ingeborg Auer, Stephane Robin, Émilie Lebarbier, Reinhard Boehm, Enric Aguilar, Jose Guijarro, Gregor Vertachnik, Matija Klancar, Brigitte Dubuisson, Petr Stepanek, 2013: HOMER: a homogenization software - methods and applications. IDOJARAS, Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Society, 117, no. 1, pp. 47–67.

Friday, 27 June 2014

Self-review of problems with the HOME validation study for homogenization methods

In my last post, I argued that post-publication review is no substitute for pre-publication review, but it could be a nice addition.

This post is a post-publication self-review, a review of our paper on the validation of statistical homogenization methods, also called benchmarking when it is a community effort. Since writing this benchmarking article we have understood the problem better and have found some weaknesses. I have explained these problems on conferences, but for the people that did not hear them, please find them below after a short introduction. We have a new paper in open review that explains how we want to do better in the next benchmarking study.

Benchmarking homogenization methods

In our benchmarking paper we generated a dataset that mimicked real temperature or precipitation data. To this data we added non-climatic changes (inhomogeneities). We requested the climatologists to homogenize this data, to remove the inhomogeneities we had inserted. How good the homogenization algorithms are can be seen by comparing the homogenized data to the original homogeneous data.

This is straightforward science, but the realism of the dataset was the best to date and because this project was part of a large research program (the COST Action HOME) we had a large number of contributions. Mathematical understanding of the algorithms is also important, but homogenization algorithms are complicated methods and it is also possible to make errors in the implementation, thus such numerical validations are also valuable. Both approaches complement each other.

Group photo at a meeting of the COST Action HOME with most of the European homogenization community present. These are those people working in ivory towers, eating caviar from silver plates, drinking 1985 Romanee-Conti Grand Cru from crystal glasses and living in mansions. Enjoying the good live on the public teat, while conspiring against humanity.

The main conclusions were that homogenization improves the homogeneity of temperature data. Precipitation is more difficult and only the best algorithms were able to improve it. We found that modern methods improved the quality of temperature data about twice as much as traditional methods. It is thus important that people switch to one of these modern methods. My impression from the recent Homogenisation seminar and the upcoming European Meteorological Society (EMS) meeting is that this seems to be happening.

1. Missing homogenization methods

An impressive number of methods participated in HOME. Also many manual methods were applied, which are validated less because this is more work. All the state-of-the-art methods participated and most of the much used methods. However, we forgot to test a two- or multi-phase regression method, which is popular in North America.

Also not validated is HOMER, the algorithm that was designed afterwards using the best parts of the tested algorithms. We are working on this. Many people have started using HOMER. Its validation should thus be a high priority for the community.

2. Size breaks (random walk or noise)

Next to the benchmark data with the inserted inhomogeneities, we also asked people to homogenize some real datasets. This turned out to be very important because it allowed us to validate how realistic the benchmark data is. Information we need to make future studies more realistic. In this validation we found that the size of the benchmark in homogeneities was larger than those in the real data. Expressed as the standard deviation of the break size distribution, the benchmark breaks were typically 0.8°C and the real breaks were only 0.6°C.

This was already reported in the paper, but we now understand why. In the benchmark, the inhomogeneities were implemented by drawing a random number for every homogeneous period and perturbing the original data by this amount. In other words, we added noise to the homogeneous data. However, the homogenizers that requested to make breaks with a size of about 0.8°C were thinking of the difference from one homogeneous period to the next. The size of such breaks is influenced by two random numbers. Because variances are additive, this means that the jumps implemented as noise were the square root of two (about 1.4) times too large.

The validation showed that, except for the size, the idea of implementing the inhomogeneities as noise was a good approximation. The alternative would be to draw a random number and use that to perturb the data relative to the previously perturbed period. In that case you implement the inhomogeneities as a random walk. Nobody thought of reporting it, but it seems that most validation studies have implemented their inhomogeneities as random walks. This makes the influence of the inhomogeneities on the trend much larger. Because of the larger error, it is probably easier to achieve relative improvements, but because the initial errors were absolutely larger, the absolute errors after homogenization may well have been too large in previous studies.

You can see the difference between a noise perturbation and a random walk by comparing the sign (up or down) of the breaks from one break to the next. For example, in case of noise and a large upward jump, the next change is likely to make the perturbation smaller again. In case of a random walk, the size and sign of the previous break is irrelevant. The likeliness of any sign is one half.

In other words, in case of a random walk there are just as much up-down and down-up pairs as there are up-up and down-down pairs, every combination has a chance of one in four. In case of noise perturbations, up-down and down-up pairs (platform-like break pairs) are more likely than up-up and down-down pairs. The latter is what we found in the real datasets. Although there is a small deviation that suggests a small random walk contribution, but that may also be because the inhomogeneities cause a trend bias.

3. Signal to noise ratio varies regionally

The HOME benchmark reproduced a typical situation in Europe (the USA is similar). However, the station density in much of the world is lower. Inhomogeneities are detected and corrected by comparing a candidate station to neighbouring ones. When the station density is less, this difference signal is more noisy and this makes homogenization more difficult. Thus one would expect that the performance of homogenization methods is lower in other regions. Although, also the break frequency and break size may be different.

Thus to estimate how large the influence of the remaining inhomogeneities can be on the global mean temperature, we need to study the performance of homogenization algorithms in a wider range of situations. Also for the intercomparison of homogenization methods (the more limited aim of HOME) the signal (break size) to noise ratio is important. Domonkos (2013) showed that the ranking of various algorithms depends on the signal to noise ratio. Ralf Lindau and I have just submitted a manuscript that shows that for low signal to noise ratios, the multiple breakpoint method PRODIGE is not much better in detecting breaks than a method that would "detect" random breaks, while it works fine for higher signal to noise ratios. Other methods may also be affected, but possibly not in the same amount. More on that later.

4. Regional trends (absolute homogenization)

The initially simulated data did not have a trend, thus we explicitly added a trend to all stations to give the data a regional climate change signal. This trend could be both upward or downward, just to check whether homogenization methods might have problems with downward trends, which are not typical of daily operations. They do not.

Had we inserted a simple linear trend in the HOME benchmark data, the operators of the manual homogenization could have theoretically used this information to improve their performance. If the trend is not linear, there are apparently still inhomogeneities in the data. We wanted to keep the operators in the blind. Consequently, we inserted a rather complicated and variable nonlinear trend in the dataset.

As already noted in the paper, this may have handicapped the participating absolute homogenization method. Homogenization methods used in climate are normally relative ones. These methods compare a station to its neighbours, both have the same regional climate signal, which is thus removed and not important. Absolute methods do not use the information from the neighbours; these methods have to make assumptions about the variability of the real regional climate signal. Absolute methods have problems with gradual inhomogeneities and are less sensitive and are therefore not used much.

If absolute methods are participating in future studies, the trend should be modelled more realistically. When benchmarking only automatic homogenization methods (no operator) an easier trend should be no problem.

5. Length of the series

The station networks simulated in HOME were all one century long, part of the stations were shorter because we also simulated the build up of the network during the first 25 years. We recently found that criterion for the optimal number of break inhomogeneities used by one of the best homogenization methods (PRODIGE) does not have the right dependence on the number of data points (Lindau and Venema, 2013). For climate datasets that are about a century long, the criterion is quite good, but for much longer or shorter datasets there are deviations. This illustrates that the length of the datasets is also important and that it is important for benchmarking that the data availability is the same as in real datasets.

Another reason why it is important that the benchmark data availability to be the same as in the real dataset is that this makes the comparison of the inhomogeneities found in the real data and in the benchmark more straightforward. This comparison is important to make future validation studies more accurate.

6. Non-climatic trend bias

The inhomogeneities we inserted in HOME were on average zero. For the stations this still results in clear non-climatic trend errors because you only average over a small number of inhomogeneities. For the full networks the number of inhomogeneities is larger and the non-climatic trend error thus very small. It was consequently very hard for the homogenization methods to improve this small errors. It is expected that in real raw datasets there is a larger non-climatic error. Globally the non-climatic trend will be relatively small, but within one network, where the stations experienced similar (technological and organisational) changes, it can be appreciable. Thus we should model such a non-climatic trend bias explicitly in future.

International Surface Temperature Initiative

The last five problems will be solved in the International Surface Temperature Initiative (ISTI) benchmark . Whether a two-phase homogenization method will participate is beyond our control. We do expect less participants than in HOME because for such a huge global dataset, the homogenization methods will need to be able to run automatically and unsupervised.

The standard break sizes will be made smaller. We will make ten benchmarking "worlds" with different kinds of inserted inhomogeneities and will also vary the size and number of the inhomogeneities. Because the ISTI benchmarks will mirror the real data holdings of the ISTI, the station density and the length of the data will be the same. The regional climate signal will be derived from a global circulation models and absolute methods could thus participate. Finally, we will introduce a clear non-climate trend bias to several of the benchmark "worlds".

The paper on the ISTI benchmark is open for discussions at the journal Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems. Please find the abstract below.

The International Surface Temperature Initiative (ISTI) is striving towards substantively improving our ability to robustly understand historical land surface air temperature change at all scales. A key recently completed first step has been collating all available records into a comprehensive open access, traceable and version-controlled databank. The crucial next step is to maximise the value of the collated data through a robust international framework of benchmarking and assessment for product intercomparison and uncertainty estimation. We focus on uncertainties arising from the presence of inhomogeneities in monthly surface temperature data and the varied methodological choices made by various groups in building homogeneous temperature products. The central facet of the benchmarking process is the creation of global scale synthetic analogs to the real-world database where both the "true" series and inhomogeneities are known (a luxury the real world data do not afford us). Hence algorithmic strengths and weaknesses can be meaningfully quantified and conditional inferences made about the real-world climate system. Here we discuss the necessary framework for developing an international homogenisation benchmarking system on the global scale for monthly mean temperatures. The value of this framework is critically dependent upon the number of groups taking part and so we strongly advocate involvement in the benchmarking exercise from as many data analyst groups as possible to make the best use of this substantial effort.

Related reading

Nick Stokes made a beautiful visualization of the raw temperature data in the ISTI database. Homogenized data where non-climatic trends have been removed is unfortunately not yet available, that will be released together with the results of the benchmark.

New article: Benchmarking homogenisation algorithms for monthly data. The post describing the HOME benchmarking article.

New article on the multiple breakpoint problem in homogenization. Most work in statistics is about data with just one break inhomogeneity (change point). In climate there are typically more breaks. Methods designed for multiple breakpoints are more accurate.

Part 1 of a series on Five statistically interesting problems in homogenization.


Domonkos, P., 2013: Efficiencies of Inhomogeneity-Detection Algorithms: Comparison of Different Detection Methods and Efficiency Measures. Journal of Climatology, Art. ID 390945, doi: 10.1155/2013/390945.

Lindau and Venema, 2013: On the multiple breakpoint problem and the number of significant breaks in homogenization of climate records. Idojaras, Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service, 117, No. 1, pp. 1-34. See also my post: New article on the multiple breakpoint problem in homogenization.

Lindau and Venema, to be submitted, 2014: The joint influence of break and noise variance on the break detection capability in time series homogenization.

Willett, K., Williams, C., Jolliffe, I., Lund, R., Alexander, L., Brönniman, S., Vincent, L. A., Easterbrook, S., Venema, V., Berry, D., Warren, R., Lopardo, G., Auchmann, R., Aguilar, E., Menne, M., Gallagher, C., Hausfather, Z., Thorarinsdottir, T., and Thorne, P. W.: Concepts for benchmarking of homogenisation algorithm performance on the global scale, Geosci. Instrum. Method. Data Syst. Discuss., 4, 235-270, doi: 10.5194/gid-4-235-2014, 2014.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Highlights EUMETNET Data Management Workshop 2013

The Data Management Workshop (DMW) had four main themes: data rescue, homogenization, quality control and data products. Homogenization was clearly the most important topic with about half of the presentations and was also the main reason I was there. Please find below the highlights I expect to be more interesting. In retrospect this post has quite a focus on organizational matters, mainly because this was most new to me.

The DMW is different from the Budapest homogenization workshops in that it focused more on best practices at weather services and Budapest more on the science and the development of homogenization methods. One idea from the workshop is that it may be worthwhile to have a counterpart to the homogenization workshop in the field of quality control.

BREAKING NEWS: Tamas Szentimrey announced that the 8th Homogenization seminar will be organized together with 3rd interpolation seminar in Budapest on 12-16 May 2014.

UPDATE: The slides of many presentations can now be downloaded.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Proceedings of the Seventh Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases published

The Proceedings of the Seventh Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases jointly organized with the Meeting of Cost ES0601 (Home) Action MC Meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 24-27 October 2011) has now been published. These proceedings were edited by Mónika Lakatos, Tamás Szentimrey and Enikő Vincze.

It is published as a WMO report in the series on World Climate Data and Monitoring Programme. (Some figures may not be displayed right in your browser, I could see them well using Acrobat Reader as stand-alone application and they did print right.)

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Five statistically interesting problems in homogenization. Part 1. The inhomogeneous reference problem

This is a series I have been wanting to write for a long time. The final push was last week's conference, the 12th International Meeting Statistical Climatology (IMSC), a very interesting meeting with an equal mix of statisticians and climatologists. (The next meeting in three years will be in the area of Vancouver, Canada, highly recommended.)

At the last meeting in Scotland, there were unfortunately no statisticians present in the parallel session on homogenization. This time it was a bit better. Still it seems as if homogenization is not seen as the interesting statistical problem it is. I hope that this post can convince some statisticians to become (more) active in homogenization of climate data, which provides many interesting problems.

As I see it, there are five problems for statisticians to work on. This post discusses the first one. The others will follow the coming days. UPDATE: they are now linked in the list below.
Problem 1. The inhomogeneous reference problem
Neighboring stations are typically used as reference. Homogenization methods should take into account that this reference is also inhomogeneous
Problem 2. The multiple breakpoint problem
A longer climate series will typically contain more than one break. Methods designed to take this into account are more accurate as ad-hoc solutions based single breakpoint methods
Problem 3. Computing uncertainties
We do know about the remaining uncertainties of homogenized data in general, but need methods to estimate the uncertainties for a specific dataset or station
Problem 4. Correction as model selection problem
We need objective selection methods for the best correction model to be used
Problem 5. Deterministic or stochastic corrections?
Current correction methods are deterministic. A stochastic approach would be more elegant

Problem 1. The inhomogeneous reference problem

Relative homogenization

Statisticians often work on absolute homogenization. In climatology relative homogenization methods, which utilize a reference time series, are almost exclusively used. Relative homogenization means comparing a candidate station with multiple neighboring stations (Conrad & Pollack, 1950).

There are two main reasons for using a reference. Firstly, as the weather at two nearby stations is strongly correlated, this can take out a lot of weather noise and make it much easier to see small inhomogeneities. Secondly, it takes out the complicated regional climate signal. Consequently, it becomes a good approximation to assume that the difference time series (candidate minus reference) of two homogeneous stations is just white noise. Any deviation from this can then be considered as inhomogeneity.

The example with three stations below shows that you can see breaks more clearly in a difference time series (it only shows the noise reduction as no nonlinear trend was added). You can see a break in the pairs B-A and in C-A, thus station A likely has the break. This is confirmed by there being no break in the difference time series of C and B. With more pairs such an inference can be made with more confidence. For more graphical examples, see the post Homogenization for Dummies.

Figure 1. The temperature of all three stations. Station A has a break in 1940.
Figure 2. The difference time series of all three pairs of stations.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Special issue on homogenisation of climate series

The open access Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service "Időjárás" has just published a special issue on homogenization of climate records. This special issue contains eight research papers. It is an offspring of the COST Action HOME: Advances in homogenization methods of climate series: an integrated approach (COST-ES0601).

To be able to discuss eight papers, this post does not contain as much background information as usual and is aimed at people already knowledgeable about homogenization of climate networks.


Mónika Lakatos and Tamás Szentimrey: Editorial.
The editorial explains the background of this special issue: the importance of homogenisation and the COST Action HOME. Mónika and Tamás thank you very much for your efforts to organise this special issue. I think every reader will agree that it has become a valuable journal issue.

Monthly data

Ralf Lindau and Victor Venema: On the multiple breakpoint problem and the number of significant breaks in homogenization of climate records.
My article with Ralf Lindau is already discussed in a previous post on the multiple breakpoint problem.
José A. Guijarro: Climatological series shift test comparison on running windows.
Longer time series typically contain more than one inhomogeneity, but statistical tests are mostly designed to detect one break. One way to resolve this conflict is by applying these tests on short moving windows. José compares six statistical detection methods (t-test, Standard Normal Homogeneity Test (SNHT), two-phase regression (TPR), Wilcoxon-Mann-Whithney test, Durbin-Watson test and SRMD: squared relative mean difference), which are applied on running windows with a length between 1 and 5 years (12 to 60 values (months) on either side of the potential break). The smart trick of the article is that all methods are calibrated to a false alarm rate of 1% for better comparison. In this way, he can show that the t-test, SNHT and SRMD are best for this problem and almost identical. To get good detection rates, the window needs to be at least 2*3 years. As this harbours the risk of having two breaks in one window, José has decided to change his homogenization method CLIMATOL to using the semi-hierarchical scheme of SNHT instead of using windows. The methods are tested on data with just one break; it would have been interesting to also simulate the more realistic case with multiple independent breaks.
Olivier Mestre, Peter Domonkos, Franck Picard, Ingeborg Auer, Stéphane Robin, Emilie Lebarbier, Reinhard Böhm, Enric Aguilar, Jose Guijarro, Gregor Vertachnik, Matija Klan-car, Brigitte Dubuisson, and Petr Stepanek: HOMER: a homogenization software – methods and applications.
HOMER is a new homogenization method and is developed using the best methods tested on the HOME benchmark. Thus theoretically, this should be the best method currently available. Still, sometimes interactions between parts of an algorithm can lead to unexpected results. It would be great if someone would test HOMER on the HOME benchmark dataset, so that we can compare its performance with the other algorithms.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

New article on the multiple breakpoint problem in homogenization

An interesting paper by Ralf Lindau and me on the multiple breakpoint problem has just appeared in a Special issue on homogenization of the open access Quarterly Journal of the Hungarian Meteorological Service "Időjárás".

Multiple break point problem

Long instrumental time series contain non-climatological changes, called inhomogeneities. For example because of relocations or due to changes in the instrumentation. To study real changes in the climate more accurately these inhomogeneities need to be detected and removed in a data processing step called homogenization; also called segmentation in statistics.

Statisticians have worked a lot on the detection of a single break point in data. However, unfortunately, long climate time series typically contain more than just one break point. There are two ad hoc methods to deal with this.

The most used method is the hierarchical one: to first detect the largest break and then to redo the detection on the two subsections, and so on until no more breaks are found or the segments become too short. A variant is the semi-hierachical method in which old detected breaks are retested and removed if no longer significant. For example, SNHT uses a semi-hierachical scheme and thus also the pairwise homogenization algorithm of NOAA, which uses SNHT for detection.

The second ad hoc method is to detect the breaks on a moving window. This window should be long enough for sensitivity, but should not be too long because that increases the chance of two breaks in the window. In the Special issue there is an article by José A. Guijarro on this method, which is used for his homogenization method CLIMATOL.

While these two ad hoc methods work reasonably, detecting all breaks simultaneously is more powerful. This can be performed as an exhaustive search of all possible combinations (used by the homogenization method MASH). With on average one break per 15 to 20 years, the number of breaks and thus combinations can get very large. Modern homogenization methods consequently use an optimization method called dynamic programming (used by the homogenization methods PRODIGE, ACMANT and HOMER).

All the mentioned homogenization methods have been compared with each other on a realistic benchmark dataset by the COST Action HOME. In the corresponding article (Venema et al., 2012) you can find references to all the mentioned methods. The results of this benchmarking showed that multiple breakpoint methods were clearly the best. However, this is not only because of the elegant solution to the multiple breakpoint problem, these methods also had other advantages.